Core Values

Our core values serve as the foundation of our company culture and guide our everyday actions.

Cable Solutions Worldwide believe in fostering a positive work environment and setting clear expectations for how we interact and operate. Our commitment to our workforce is unwavering, as we understand that our people are the driving force behind our success.

Our company core values aim to underpin and create a positive culture and working environment as well as set behavioural expectations. We are committed to investing in our workforce as we recognise people as our greatest asset.

Our core value acronym AGILE represents qualities associated with being responsive, flexible and adaptable to change which collectively have been identified as key differentiators that offer us competitive advantage.

The behaviours for each value are highlighted below

Attitude Taking ownership. Inspiring others and never giving up. Exhibiting decisiveness, positivity and resilience.
Genuine Providing the best people products and prices to our customers. Acting with sincerity and respect at all times
Integrity Showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles. Simply put, it’s doing the right thing in all circumstances
Learning Growing and developing. Sharing best practice, rectifying errors and communicating effectively. Seeking continual personal and customer improvements through training knowledge and innovation
Empathy Showing helpfulness, care and courtesy. Listening in a non-judgemental manner. Sharing and solving problems both internally and externally whilst building, enhancing, and nurturing relationships


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service loops inspection

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QHSE, Quality, health, safety and environment


Core Values

Core Values

wind turbine

Net Zero

renewable energy


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